I'm beginning to see a flicker of light at the end of this long dark tunnel I've been in. I was diagnosed with breast cancer (again) in May and I had to step away from life as I knew it.
My Pain Dolls describe current and past pain and somehow creating them has helped me make sense of what I'm going through.
This is the most autobiographical and personal artwork I've ever done. The dolls are still helping me and I want to keep them together for now. I'd like to show them as a group, and offer them for sale when I feel I can say goodbye to them.
Pain Doll #1
Where Does it Hurt?
Pain Doll #1
Pain Doll #1
Pain Doll #2
Pain Doll #2
Pain Doll #2
Pain Doll #3
Pain Doll #3
Pain Doll #4
Pain Doll #5
Pain Doll #5
Pain Doll #5
Pain Doll #6
Pain Doll #8
Pain Doll #7
Pain Doll #7
Pain Doll #7
Pain Doll #9
Pain Doll #10
Pain Doll #10
Pain Doll #11
Pain Doll #11
Pain Doll #11
Pain Doll #12
Pain Doll #12
Pain Doll #12
Pain Doll #13
Pain Doll #13
Pain Doll #13
Pain Doll #14
Pain Doll #14
Pain Doll #15
Pain Doll #16
Pain Doll #17
Pain Doll #18
Pain Doll #19
“Does this Look Like Hope?”
Pain Doll #19
Pain Doll #19